God wants to be where we are!
God wants to dwell with us, and He did, as He does even now, and He also will!...
More Than Meets The Eye
I remember relaxing on my balcony and God asked me a question. He asked me what I noticed about a large tree that was adjacent to me. As I began to describe it’s exterior, He said, “You would think that there nothing going on with this tree, but the...
Member Testimony – 11.06.2016
This is a testimony submitted to Spirit And Truth Ministries by one of our members. We hope that this testimony will be a blessing and an encouragement to you in whatever situation you may be in! Be blessed! Blessings to you both pastors. Just to let you know I...
Set Ablaze
“The gospel is more than fire insurance!” “Some people only want the gospel for fire insurance!” “The gospel isn’t fire insurance!” How many times have you heard these sayings, or variations thereof? And how many times have you stopped to ask yourself, whether any of these are actually true,...
AND in Truth
In today’s world, truth is said to be relative. Whatever you feel is best, whatever you prefer, whatever you would rather believe, is what you’re entitled to hold as valid. Absolute truth has been labelled a misnomer, since, with truth being completely relative, no one could possibly know the...