I LOVE YOU <3 <3
Have you ever said “i love you” to someone male or female and noticed the many varied reactions?
Three simple words–“I love you”–captures the heart of Jesus’ life and ministry.
These three words form the bottom line and top drawer of all his teachings. And they remain the three hardest words in the world to get right. Two pronouns and a verb have never been so difficult to grasp, much less to practice.
Popular culture has ruined love’s reputation by redefining it first as romance, and then as lust. Especially in this “homo- eyed society” where these simple expressions now can cause great rumblings, men and women even fear to utter these simple words of endearment to their children. Friends would hardly utter them, for fear of some stigmatization. These words emanating from ones lips can cause raised eyebrows, frowns, scowls etc. Even on the social media, may get you a sharp retort, silence, or you could be UN-friended.
But it’s not just the meaning of the word love that causes so much confusion. To fully understand His love, we also need to find out who we are in God’s eyes and whom we are commanded to love. Following Jesus can be described as the daily practice of all three words: I. Love. You. There is nothing more rewarding, and nothing more risky.
But it must first begin by knowing that you are loved. Knowing God loves you, must be something that is firmly implanted in our hearts. It is out of this love which Abba gives to us, and has for us, that we can return love.
After all, the lifestyle of love is the only life that Jesus calls you to live.
Love another as I have love you!
Grace teaches us that we can truly be expressions of love, because we are truly loved.
Tell someone you love them today!